29 APRIL 1916, page 12

The " Nibelungenlied " And The Prussian Type.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR."I Sta,—The Nibelungenlied (or Nibelungs Not)* is accepted by the Germans as their National Epic, their Iliad ; and I think it is interesting to......

[to Tub Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sne,—i Am Glad

to find you giving your valuable support to the plea for abatement in respect of children irrespective of the total amount of a man's income. Fathers of large families,......

"a Scrap Of Paper."

(TO - THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."( r111,—Perucing the Life of the King of Roumania, it occurred to me that the following passage might interest your readers, and be held by......

A Defence Of Lord Northcliffe.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."( Sra, — Was not Lord Northcliffe ono of the watchmen who, before the war, warned his fellow-countrymen of the coming danger, when many others......

The Income Tax And Large Families.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sne,—As the father of a very large family, nine of whom are entirely dependent on me, I was obliged to actually borrow money to pay my......

The German War On Denmark.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Ent, — The quotations from Lord Salisbury in your article under this heading in the Spectator of April 15th prove that he clearly perceived......

(to The Editor Op The "spectator."( ,—may I Add Some

remarks to the article giving extracts from the valuable essay on "The Danish Duchies," by the then Lord Robert Cecil, originally published in the Quarterly Review in the autumn......