29 APRIL 1916, Page 2

We regret to say that there is nothing of any

great importance to report in regard to Kut. Owing to the floods, it is still impossible for the relieving force to make the effort that they desire to make, and are fully ready to make if only the physical conditions were, we will not say favourable, but possible. Thursday was the hundred-and-forty-first day of the siege. All depends on whether we can manage to deal a heavy blow at the positions at Es Sinn before the garrison at Kut is exhausted. We still hope and believe that the oou rage and endurance of the besieged and of the relievers will enable us to raise the siege even at the eleventh hour.- If not, and if the waters of the Tigris do what the Turks, we firmly believe, could not have done, we shall at any rate have the feeling that both the forces in and outside Kut have acted in a way worthy of the best British traditions.