29 APRIL 1922, Page 2

M. Poineare, the French Premier, speaking at Bar-le-Duc, the heart

of the devastated provinces, said that France had no Imperialist aims, but she must insist on the fulfilment of the Treaty

of Versailles. The- German--Bolshevik Treaty exposed the real nature of the Pan-German plans for destroying Poland. Ger- many must accept by the end of -May thoconditions laid down by the Reparations Commission. If she refused, the Mid;

acting together or separately, had the right to take measures to protect their interests.

" We wish ardently to maintain on this capital occasion the co-operation of all the Allies, but we will defend the Franck cause in complete independence, and we will not give up one of the weapons which the Treaty, gives us."

M. Poincare -was understood to refer to the occupation of the Ruhr Valley in case of default .on- the past of Germany.