29 APRIL 1922, page 2

On Saturday Il Barthou, The Leading French Delegate, Made A

strong protest against the " lying allegations " of the German -delegates in their apology for the Russian Treaty. That document, he said, violated the Cannes resolutions on......

M. Poineare, The French Premier, Speaking At Bar-le-duc,...

of the devastated provinces, said that France had no Imperialist aims, but she must insist on the fulfilment of the Treaty of Versailles. The - German--Bolshevik Treaty exposed......

Mr. Lloyd George's Intermediary Went On To Say That Het

desired peace with the Russian people, "'whatever the character of their Government may be,"" but that the Bolshevik delegates with their Oriental methods of bargaining were......

Mr. Lloyd George =thursday, April 20th, Assured The...

at Genoa that the Conference was progressing favour- ably. He was confident that it would restore peace to Europe. The Russo-German Treaty would present no further difficulties,......

The Bolshevllr Delegates, In Their Reply To The Allied Pro-

posals, first of all said that Russia ought to have all her debts remitted in consideration of the counterclaims grotesquely put forward on the ground that there would have been......

Mr. Lloyd George, Adopting The' Open Diplomacy Which...

preached but did not practise, replied to M. Poineare on Tuesday through his secretary. The journalists at Genoa were told that the French Premier's speech was a very , serious......

It Had-" Maintained Peace With Southern Ireland," And Had...

its-beet to- eoesperate in education and Labour problems; and in other matters where common interests were concerned. Nevertheless, the Provisional Government had not shown "......

The German Delegates Presented Their Excuses For Making A...

treaty with the Bolsheviks behind the backs of the other Powers. They professed to believe that -the Allies had drafted! a- treaty with the Bolsheviks which would dis- regard "......

M. Poineare Went On To Say That France Had Given

a new proof of - her pacific spirit by keeping. her -delegates at Genoa, despite the conclusion of the German-Bolshevik' Treaty. Never- theless, if the delegates could not make......

Yet Again, The Northern Parliament Had Refrained From...

for the South by adverse comments on the trade boycott. But -it was now necessary to state that in spite of all the promisee that the boycott should cease interference with the......

On Wednesday A New Complication Appeared Owing To A Partial

breakdown in the working of the agreement recently come to in London between the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State and the Northern Parliament. Tho Provisional......