29 JULY 1922, Page 25

Cecil Marchioness of Lothian : A Memoir. Edited by her

granddaughter, Cecil Kerr. (Sands. 75. 6d. net.)—The subject of this memoir, Lady Cecil Talbot, daughter of the second Earl Talbot, married the seventh Marquess of Lothian in 1831, was left a widow in 1841 and died in 1877. The main purpose of the editor is to describe the stages of her grandmother's conver- sion to Roman Catholicism. The Gorham judgment in 1850 was, it seems, the turning-point for Lady Lothian as for other advanced Anglicans, and Manning's secession convinced her that she, too, must go to Rome. The book is pleasantly written, and illustrates the later stages of the Tractarian movement.