29 JULY 1922, page 2

While The German Government, With The Evident Approval Of...

people, are at last taking drastic measures in defence of the Republic, the Bavarian Government have challenged their right to act within the confines of Bavaria. The Munich......

The Council Of The League Of Nations On Monday Approved

of the Mandates to Great Britain and France for Palestine and Syria respectively. Lord Balfour and AL Viviani explained, however, that the Mandates were to operate......

We Note With Very Great Pleasure That The Honour And

recognition he deserves in so high a - degree were paid to Sir Auckland Geddes, the British Ambassador at Washington, at a dinner of that excellent institution the......

In Our Opinion The House Of Commons Gave A Thoroughly

wise decision. We are well aware of the various arguments on the other side, and admit that as to certain aspects of the matter there is room for doubt. lint there is no better......

Mr. Fisher, In Addressing The Peace Congress In London On

Tuesday, said that the Government desired that Germany should apply for admission to the League of Nations this year, " so that the last lingering reproach that it was an engine......

M. Poincare, Who Regards The Germans With Grave...

it clear that he would only agree to a temporary suspen- sion of the payments to be made by Germany. •He would give her Government six weeks in which to show whether they really......

The Question Of -removing The Canadian Cattle Embargo Was...

in the House of Commons last Monday. There was a full House, and the division of the Cabinet and the withholding of the Government Whips made the debate of peculiar interest.......

The Figures Of The Division In Such A House As

the present is an impressive proof of the extreme danger of interfering with the food of the people, even in the slightest degree. The members of the Government voted in the......

President Harding Announced On Monday That He Himself...

with the strike in the railway workshops, inasmuch as the Railway Labour Board had failed to end it. The President, it is said, will bring pressure to bear on the com- panies,......

The Matter, Mr. Churchill Maintained, Rested Almost...

we could or could not afford to break faith with Canada, and in this we had only one possible choice. If British agriculture suffered, the House of Commons must consider some......