29 JUNE 1956, Page 28


ACROSS 1 Account to Apollyon for settlement (5, 2, 3).

6 Challenging shoulder badge? (4) 10 It's usually boarded up (2, 3).

11 The last straw for the Covent Garden porter (3-6).

12 Warning cry of the trick cyclist? (5, 3) 13 Don't drop the eggs! (6) IS Attractive but a bit confused (4).

16 'Nor on the shaggy top of - high' (Milton) (4).

17 Four in the tribe are all for comfort! (5) 20 Abounding with Phragmites coma:anis 9

(5). 14 21 His progress might be beneficial horti- culturally (4).

22 In no hurry, seemingly, to get black (4). 24 R.A.F. ode to a hat! (6) 26 Take a look, or the inspector will appear (8).

29 The sentry may well do it (4, 1, 4).

30 Slain in the confusion (5).

31 'Of green - in forests' (Stevenson)


32 Loses force when the warning ends (10). 28 DOWN Chevalier wouldn't swop this nation- ality (5).

An evil net, spread to catch a lover (9). The kind of news that stops the press


No claim for .a ball that falls here (3, 2, 5).

Like an afterthought, these reptiles (4). Take yourself off, to Kent? (3, 2) / to dream?' Not according .to Freud (9).

To the dance, boys! (7)

Such an eye looked upon a dial dra- matically (10).

Impudent look of the newly shaven (9). Teams for a musical ride (9).

1 can pry (anag.) (7).

V alone among the French statesmen (6).

The girl's a catch! (5) 'All night have the- heard the flute, violin, bassoon' (Tennyson) (5).

Make father finish the wall (4). 1 2 3 4 7 8 15 18 19 23 25 27

"I'wn prizes will be 4warded; a copy of the De Luxe edition ol Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for, one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on July 10 and addressed: Crossword No. 894, 99 Gower St., London, WCI

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.