29 JUNE 1956, page 27

Birds By Night

'Do birds ever sing in their sleep?' asks a Hampshire reader. 'A few nights ago, lying awake about 2 a.m., I suddenly heard the song of a dunnock coming from a thick hedge a few......

The Researchers' Worries

Modern insecticides may soon have solved all the problems that farmers and gardeners would like them to, for they become more selective and positive all the time. A great deal......

Bean Stakes

Staking up beans is a little overdue in some places, although the lack of rain has slowed growth considerably. Some people train beans on nets, but sticks obtained from a copse......

Country Life

BY IAN NIALL THE control of dogs on certain roads, it has turned out, is to be the worry of county authorities, and, understanding why this must be, one cannot' help but have......


BY PHILIDOR No. 56 C. MANSFIELD (1st Prize, 'Good Companions,' 1914) BLACK (5 teen) WHITE (6 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. In the most......

Uncles, Or Indeed Aunts, In Quest 'of A Present For

a nephew could hardly do better than invest in Regiments at a Glance, by Lieut.- Colonel Frank Wilson (Blackie, 7s. 6d.). One hundred and thirty different uniforms, 120 regi-......

Friendly Islands Six Years Ago A Young American...

opened Mariner's Tonga. What she read in the old book made her abandon ambition and (to the dismay of her father, a businessman, who wanted her to 'get on') take a job as head-......

New Novels John Hersey Is A Documentary Novelist Who, With

one prosaic and one rolling eye, prods the plain facts of every day into an exotic pattern. True, his plain facts are generally in a high- coloured situation, and the flattish......