29 MARCH 1975, Page 4

Sir: 1 feel that the 'get-UK-out' campaginers ought to know that objective science is on their side.

Some time ago it was decided to search for the necessary conditions for a (global) market of maximum purchase in expanding populace; and the findings were finally published in p.64 Geoforum August 1971.

This work revealed that the 'yeast' of the matter resides in the first place in a subscontinental grouping, India, S.

Africa, Canada, etc., with UK at the centre, In other words; the market of maximum purchase for UK, is not the continental group, but the said subcontinental group with which the Bank of England can, as the work shows, maintain pound parity, though the group is not of course, closed.

In this matter the TUC have been percipient in claiming that Britain cannot maintain pound parity with the EEC.

Most of the common marketeers seem Motivated by the idea of a larger market; for them the EEC is the best of 'a bad job, for they know of no alternative. Their propaganda tends to assume that either Britain stands alone or joins the EEC, whereas the rational question is, which is the market of maximum purchase potential? To which science now shows the answer, but very few are presently aware of this and it should help for your people to know that there is a better solution for UK, so as to keep away from 'negatives' only.

Probably many of the more obvious disadvantages of the EEC are well known to you. One might mention the enormous costs of foreign language; the too close proximity of EEC means that maritime aspects, such as shipping and building and their invisible earnings, will be lost, leading to chronic trade imbalance; and undesirable population migrations, bad as they are already.

G. C. Westmacott 33 Seapoint Avenue, Blackrock, Dublin