29 MARCH 1975, page 4

Market Debate

Sir: As the Prime Minister comes off his Common Market fence following the - fundamental (of course, he was joking!) re-negotiations" he would do well to heed this extract from......

Sir: Patrick Cosgrave Is Perfectly Correct To Dismiss The...

as a charade, and I say this as a pro-Marketeer. To state, however, that Conservative anti-Marketeers may have put "a little too much trust" in Labour's 'antis' is surely the......

Sir: 1 Feel That The 'get-uk-out' Campaginers Ought To...

Some time ago it was decided to search for the necessary conditions for a (global) market of maximum purchase in expanding populace; and the findings were finally published in......

Students' Unions

Sir: While we agreed with the principle of Dr Rhodes Boyson's article (March 22), we feel that there are certain points that cannot go unanswered. We believe that Dr Boyson does......

Sir: Dr Rhodes Boyson Blows Hot And Cold In His

article on the financing of students' unions. Of course the membership of student unions should be made completely voluntary, the Students themselves weighing up the pros and......

Social Contract

Sir: Your main leading article of March 15 contains some damaging statements about the TUC which are quite untrue, as could readily have been checked by a telephone call to......

Doctors' Awards

From Dr H. Jacobs Sir: Dr John Linklater's article (March 22) points out to what many hospital doctors and consultants, who are far from the seats of privilege and power,......

The Bhutto Degree

Sir: Oxford has only one Professor Trevor-Roper.Your readers will learn with no surprise that his outlook was hardly shared by the rest of us who in the end did not vote against......