29 MAY 1875, Page 1


?THERE has been much talk of another crisis in France, but it is improbable that it will come to anything. The Cabinet desire to supersede election by departments by election for districts, and the Liberals, for reasons we have explained elsewhere, decline to -accede. It was reported, therefore, that the Cabinet would resign, that the President would send for M. de Broglie, and that horrible things would happen. They may happen still, but the -Left has carried the majority on the Committee appointed to report on the supplementary Constitutional Laws, and by the latest advice& the Cabinet has given way. The Electoral Law will be taken last, and the Ministry, if defeated, will not resign, but ask for immediate dissolution. M. Buffet will then control the elections, but they will be taken by scrutin de liste, which almost neutralises official pressure. This is a great result, and shows the steadily advancing pressure of Liberal opinion.