29 MAY 1875, page 2

The Tories Have Lost Breconshire, Which, Since The Reform...

has never returned a Liberal. At the last election, Mr. W. Fuller Maitland received 1,036 votes, and the Hon. G. C. Morgan, Tory, 1,594; but this time Mr. Fuller-Maitland......

Prince Bismarck Is Learning By Experience. According To A...

telegram to the Pall Mall Gazelle, he has issued an order dissolving the Press Bureau, out of displeasure at its indiscretions during the recent war panic. He is right. A......

Mr. Lowe On Monday Asked The Under-secretary For India If

Government were prepared to remedy the grievance of the Bengal Civil Service described elsewhere. Lord G. Hamilton, in reply, stated that the Government admitted a hardship, but......

It Appears That Duchesne, The Drunken Belgian Workman...

intending to murder Prince Bismarck, really did write to the Archbishop of Paris, offering to kill the Chancellor for £2,400, and that there is no law to,punish him. The Belgian......

The Archbishop Of Canterbury Has Written A Letter To A

friend on the Revivalist - movement of Mr. Moody, which is very just in its appreciation of Mr. Moody's aims, but a little too mild and cautious in its guarded treatment of his......

It Is Announced By Telegraph That The Widow Of The

late Gnicowar of Baroda has been allowed to select the eldest of three of his sons, Gopal Rao by name, to be the new Guicowar. The statement is not very intelligible—though the......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson Has Been Very Amusing This Week. Or

Monday he gave the Prime Minister a very effective rap by beg- ging the right hon. gentleman to inform the House "whether he had had time to make up his mind as to whether he......

' • Yesterday Week Mr. Sampson Lloyd Raised A Short

discussion in the House of Commons on the desirableness of having the Com- merce and Agriculture of the country attended to by a principal Secretary of State, who should always......

A Strong Deputation Waited On Mr. Cross On Thursday, To

ask him to bring in a Bill modifying the law under which the Brighton Aquarium Company was fined for keeping open the Aquarium on Sunday. It was stated that under the same......