29 OCTOBER 1921, Page 24

Trial by Ordeal. By Evan Morgan. (John Lane. 7s. 6d.

net.)—Mr. Morgan's book is an essay in the style of Mr. Stephen McKenna. It is very markedly less well written than Sonia, for instance, and its febrileness is more exaggerated. Now and then the author seems to have ideas to express, now and then a piece of real first-hand observation to record. He is writing of a life he understands, and therefore his fancies are in the main copious and just. Unfortunately, however, he does not seem to know much about writing books, and therefore is apt to fall into obvious pitfalls. This gives his work a certain tone of vulgarity and cheapness. Especially is this the case in his handling of dialogue, where the most impossible banalities and empty sentimentalities are put into the mouths of women and men whom the reader is to believe are endowed not only with brains, but with the most aristocratic fine taste.