29 OCTOBER 1921, page 16

Music A

GABRIEL DUPONT. SIGNS are not wanting that music in France has entered upon a second Grand Sack. At any rate, French musicians have rediscovered the true genius of France, which......

" Chauve-sourls " At The Apollo Theatre. The...

are so much the most interest. ing thing happening in the world of the London theatre just now that there is no question of an apology for again returning to them. The company......

The Theatre.

" HEARTBREAK HOUSE " AT THE COURT THEATRE. Ix discussing the present production of Mr. Shaw's Heartbreak House, I propose to assume that neither I nor the reader had read the......

Some Plays Worth Seeing.

ALHAMBRA.—Tlie Sleeping Princess .. . . 8.15 —2.30 [Mr. Serge Dlaghlleff '0 Russian ballet In The Sleeping Princess. On the first night—i.e., Monday—the ballet begins at 8.......