2 AUGUST 1834, Page 9


The Nottingham election, as was stated in our second impression last week, closed on Friday. Sir John Hobhouse was returned by a majority of 1025 over Mr. Eagle ; the numbers being 1591 and 566.

On the same day, Sir Edward Barnes was returned for Sudbury; but this return is a doubtful one, as both candidates had an equal number of votes-263. The Mayor who had already voted for Sir Edward, exercised a questionable right of giving the casting vote also in his favour. The supporters of Mr. Bagshaw, the other candidate, will, it is said, dispute the return. There was a good deal of rioting and throwing of stones during the chairing of Sir Edward Barnes ; but peace was restored as night came on.

As soon as the resignation of Earl Grey was known in Rochdale, the friends of Mr. John Entwistle, of Foxesholcs, the defeated Tory can- didate at the last election, commenced a canvass !—Leeds llfercury.

A vacancy for the borough of Cirencester has occurred, in conse- quetice of the elevation of Lord Apsley to the Peerage, on the death of his father, Earl Bathurst.

The number of registered voters in Leeds has been increased from 3569 last year to 4031) this year—difference, 461. At the Lewes wool fair dinner, on Saturday, the Duke of Rich.

aaond stated it as probable, that the French Government would reduce the duty on English wool to 10 per cent. ; and he expressed a hope that by the next annual dinner be would see French buyers in the room.

Very few French buyers will make their appearance at Lewes until the asenelon sense and common interest of Englishmen compel a reduction of the duties on French corn and wine. The French cannot buy our wool unless we take in payment what they have to offer for it.] The Goodwood Races commenced on Tuesday. The company was anoterans and fashionable, including the Marquis rind Marchioness of Worcester, Earl and Countess of Wilton, Earl of Jersey, Earl and Congress of Chesterfield, Sir Mark Wood, Counts Mattiacheritz and D'Orsay, Colonel Peel, &e. The running on Tuesday for the Inn- keeper's Plate, was very good ; and was won by the Duke of RichmomPs Ketchup, h,eting Familia and Adelaide. The race for the Drawing- room Stakes was indifferent. It was won by Sir Mark Wood's Charivari. Lord Chesterfield's Sultan won the Levant Stakes ; and Mr. Greville's Marmoset heat the Duke of Richmond's colt by llarneluke in a match for twenty-five sovereigns.

On Wednesday, Sir F. Johnatone's filly by Merlin won the Vern- lam Stakes, and Mr. Forth's Robin Roughhead the Goodwood Stakes.

'l'he only race of interest on Thursday was for the Gold Cup ; which was won by Lord Jersey's Glencoe, beating Lord Chesterfield's Colwiek, Mr. Forth's Famine, :led several others. The odds were .5 to 2 against Colwick, 12 to 1 against leunine, and 4 to I against the winner.

Mr. Charles Bathurst has offered himself for the office, vacant by the death of Sir W. Guise, of one of the four Verderers of the Forest of Dean, the election to which is vested in the freeholders.

Between 200 and 300 tons of the bones of the horses, and amongst them some of those of the men, which were lost in Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, have arrived and are errivine at Grimsby. These are the remains of the 30,000 almost famished horses, and the miserable men, who, as history relates, perished through cold in one night almost at the eommencement of his retreat from Aloseow.—Stenoeril News. I Are the bones of these horses and heroes to manure the 'Lin- colnshire fens ?]

The Roman Catholics have purchased six acres of land between Hastings and St. Leonard's close to the sea ; and are. it is said, going to expend 30,000/. in building a College, Chapel, &c. Some of the works are already commenced.

A few days ago, Miss Eccles, a young lady, the heiress to a large fortune, took the veil at the convent of Mount Carmel, near Darling- ton. The ceremony excited great interest ; and a grand high mass was celebrated on the occasion by the Right Reverend Dr. Briggs, assisted by several of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northern Briggs,