2 AUGUST 1834, page 11

A Cause Was Tried At The Dorchester Assizes Last Week,

before Lord Denman and a Special Jury, which excited so much interest in the neighbourhood, that the street was crowded at four o'clock on the fol- lowing morning by persons......

Ireland, After Repeated Postponements, The Tories Have At...

upon holding a 44 great " Protestant meeting in Dublin, to " resist the estahlislueent of Popery in Ireland." It is to take place on the 14th of August, in the King's room at......

The Australian Colony Bill.

At the sitting of the House of Commons this morning, the South Australian Colony Bill passed through the Committee. Mr. Towea moved an amendment to one of the clauses, with a......

The Speech Of The Queen Regent At The Opening Of

the Spanish Cortes was published to-day in the Morning Chronicle exclusively, in a late edition. It is somewhat pompous and verbose. The necessity of using energetic measures......


We have good reason to believe that one of the projects of the Melbourne Administration is to provide for the Earl of Munster in India. The Governor-Generalship has long been......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

IIIR'FIIS. On the 27th ult,, at Thames lIonso, the Lady of J. Mirstrs GASKET:1,, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 23th ult., at Stowlaugtoft, Suffolk, the truly of Ilistrtv......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The session of the French Chambers was opened on Thursday, with a speech from the King. It is just as vague as speeches from the throne usually are. Louis Pump......

It Is Reported That A Conspiracy Was Discovered In Madrid

on the night of the 24th, and that several persons were arrested, among whom was the noted General VAN Deem The name of PALAFOX i created Duke of Saragossa, is also mixed up in......