2 AUGUST 1834, Page 11



On the 27th ult,, at Thames lIonso, the Lady of J. Mirstrs GASKET:1,, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 23th ult., at Stowlaugtoft, Suffolk, the truly of Ilistrtv \VILst'N, Esq., of a daughter. On the Ceti) ult., the Laity of JAMES STEPHEN,ON, Esq„ of the Ilona Temple and l'ortland Place, barrister-at-law, or a daughter.


On the Nth ult.. at Lavington, Susses, Malty WIT.T.TAM WILBEitroRCE, to Maar, second daughter of the late !ley. John Sargent, Rector of Lavinuton.

the 29tIs ult., at St. Pancras, Capt. Imix :.',.stoz Boss, 11.N., M.P.. of Ott ingtou

Ilall, in the county of York. to ELIzAISF.T11. e1,10.1 daughter of the late 'I', y lie, Esq. (hi the 26th ult., at relhrigu. Colonel Sir It v FREDEttIcK Comi E. CAL to K.A. A RINE, daughter of the late Vice.AtIsniral Wyndham, of Felhrigg Hall, Norfolk On the thld :111., at l'alinhun■ls, Mr. l'itast.FS AnixaTesSr,uwssT. merchant, Hotter- dans, to AONEs J sac r. SY tamest daughter of the late J. Wilson, Esq., of Transy, Fifeshime. At St. Bartholomew's the Great, Ault:Re, son of the Rev. II. B. Owen, It. D., to k'dsRO N A , ilauulder of the Chd,alier 11e Kierkhofer. late Brazilian Consul at Paris.

On the 19th May, at Florence. at the Ilouse of the British FANNY Len Y SHELLEY, elolest dauglitCY or Sir John Shelley, Bart., to the lloa. 01:01111::: E younger sou of the Eat of Moutst-Edgentahe. On the ih!il of Nlarelt, it \Lukas, RoWl. %No WINsT.Ay ('HATFIELD, Erg., of the Hon. East India Company's Civil Service, to 0r.weal oF Titrvon, youngest daughter of George P. Tyler. Fag.. of the same. On the 19th of February, at ltarrackpore, Capt. J. 0 RAI1ANI, of the 511th Native In-

fantry. to HARM i.TTEAvNE, only daughter Major.Gett. James Watson, C.B., etmn- mantling the Prosideney divisiau of the army.

On the 24th, at 'For Point. in Cornwall, tte Rev. CHART.ES SIMILES, of Twyford Hour, Winchester, Reel or of Mappowder, Ihn-etshire, fourth sou of the late Dean of St. A,11,11. On the 27th ult., in A rlin/lins Street, the Right lion. BEI. ay Earl !tarn easrt, K.0. On thv '601 ult., in l'1,11.goi Signet, at's er ten days' illness, land JAMEP FEVER(' r, y•Outiget,t son of the Duke of Grafton, its hi- 31st year. On the `23d tilt., in hi, ,itt I year, at his in Great Malvern, Sir ROBERT r, of 0,inaBlun, in the cu nn y Dei.by.

On the 2.2i1 ult., at ste, the Edna:: BuRDON, M.A., Rector of falstone. Northumberland.

On the :t5t14 tilt., Trom Fs 11,yrr m NI.D., of [militant I Iall, Norfolk, and one

Cif the Aldermen of the horong!, aralmIth. On the 25th ult., at Ea 4 CATHARINE 111AXIVELL ALEX AN DER, third thus:Oster of the late thud .11,A:tildes.. of Balloelmeyle. A yrshile. On the :.;)ti) ult., at Chellculmta, Al.rums, youngest aunt of Limit: Col. Allen, or nehmartine.

On the at Highgate, Nit.. reheat mi.:, in his P.2,1 year. On the 2', th May last, at Atorehattle, Roxburghdfire, Mrs. VAIR YOrNO, wife of Mr. Adam Scott, formerly tcnant of the nun' Nir,het, iu her year ; and on the luth inst., the said Amato. SCOTT, her hilsbalid, in his 83d ;ear. These two old people lived upwards or 60 years together.