2 AUGUST 1834, Page 11


At the sitting of the House of Commons this morning, the South Australian Colony Bill passed through the Committee.

Mr. Towea moved an amendment to one of the clauses, with a view to re- strict emigration, in the first instance at least, to the lush. He contended, that emigration was not wanted in England, as we bad not a sufficiency of agricultural labourers ; but that it would he a peat blessing to Ireland. He thought emigration a good thing ; but objected to the particular plan then under consideration : adding, that lie was not surprised that a number of political economists, who watitcd to defraud the agriculturists by repealing the Corn- laws, should advocate a plan which would dcpiive theta of their best labourers. Mr. Mc IIES II curlIES stated, that he had formerly opposed tine bill ; but that he had subsequently studied the plan with great care, and he was now convinced, that a none disinterested attempt to benctit all classes of society wa.F never made. lie had seen several of the intended emigrants, :mil had had much conversation with them. Ile understood there were 150 families of respectable capitalists, with some hundreds of labourers, ready- to go out. One gentleman whom he had conversed with, was prepared to go to the colony with ten thorn sand pounds: he was a very intelligent, practical man, and well acquainted

with our Australian territories. Some alterations having been consented to by the promoters of the bill, it should receive his decided support.

Mr. ROTHVEN made a rambling, incoherent speech, parts of which only were audible in the Gallery. It contained much ou the subject of Poor-laws in Ire- land, but very little about the Australian bill; which, however, he appeared to oppose. He professed to treat with indignation Mr. Tower's scheme of benefit- ing Ireland by selecting the poor emigrants exclusively from that country,

Mr. Tows a replied shortly to Mr. Ruthven ; and his amendment was re- jected. The remaining clauses of the bill were then carried without opposition; and the report was ordered to be brought up un Monday.