2 AUGUST 1834, Page 12


Arrived—At Gravesend, July 27th, Mary Ann, Smith; and Pendia, Ilesworth. from the Cape; and 28th, Dorothy Foster, Millbank, from Mauritius. At Deal, A lig. 1st, Barrette, junior, Sanders. from Betigal. Off Plymouth, July 29tb, Eliza Jane, Findlay, from the Cape. At Liverpool, 26th, Capricorn, Smith, from Mauritius. At St, Helena, June 10th, Severn, Braithwait„ from Bengal ; and Lord Hobart, Ilarringtou, from the Cape. At the 'ape. May 531, Washington, Russell ; and ',ovum e. ; 601, Flinn, Collard ; and 7t11, Mary Ann, Mullins; all from Loudon; and 1 '1. Test. Brown. from Loudon, At Madras, March 29th, M. S. Elphinstone, Bichal •ii, front London. At New South Wales, Parmelia. Gilbert, from London.

Sailed—From Gravesend, July 2501, Britannia, Leith, for the Cape ; 27th, Asia, Biddle, for Bengal ; and 31st. Guardian, Muller. for New South Wales. From Liver- pool, 27th, Albion, M•Le011, for Bengal; aid 30th, Fairy Queen, Snipe, for Maurine..