2 AUGUST 1834, Page 8

er be Court.

Tut: King entertained dinner company on Sunday. Dr. Keate and several of the Eton clergy were of the party. The next day, his

lajesty and a large party from the Castle, attended the exercises of the Eton scholars, and witnessed the presentation of a piece of plate, pur- eliased by the scholars of the sixth form, to Dr. Keate, on his retire- ment from the situation of Head Master.

On Wednesday, the King, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor, arrived in town, and held his usual Levee. The Earl of Mulgrave and Sir John Hobliouse had audiences, and kissed hands on their respective appointments to the Privy Seal and the Woods and Forests. In the evening, the King dined at Holland (louse; and afterwards proceeded to Windsor, with Sir Herbert Taylor.

It is expected that their Majesties will reside in the Pimlico Palace next winter. Lord Alelbourne, Lest' Althorp, and Sir John Hobhouse, inspected it on Wednesday, and ordered some stables and houses ad- joining to be pulled down. The Dutchess of Kent has appointed Sir J. Rowley one of her Equerries. The 'heelless and the Princess Victoria walk frequently in Hyde Park, arid appear to enjoy excellent health.