2 AUGUST 1902, Page 17


[To TEE EDITOR OP TEE "13PECTATOR."1 SIB,—The severe gale of Saturday, July 26th, which did such damage at Cologne and elsewhere, was here in Cambridge laden with an extraordinary amount of dust, covering every- thing with grittiness. As this dust was obviously not local (for the roads were still wet) I placed some of it under a microscope, suspecting that it might be volcanic and con- nected with the West Indian eruptions. To my surprise, it turned out to be marine sand, from the Mediterranean or some similar latitude, with fragments of foraminifers, coral, &c.,—just such as may be obtained from any newly bought sponge. It would be interesting to learn whether this curious phenomenon was noticed by any of your readere elsewhere.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Stokeslea, Cambridge.