2 AUGUST 1902, page 2

The Debate Itself Was Too Amicable To Prove Exciting....

it was conducted on lines of criticism that proved how entirely the House was in accord with the policy of the Government. Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman's fear that it was an......

The German Emperor Paid On Wednesday A Long-promised...

Emden and made a speech which shows how constantly his thoughts turn to the sea and to sea-power. The Great Elector and Frederick the Great, he said, had paid great attention to......

It Is Stated That The Austrian Government Has Grave Reason

to fear an agrarian rising in Galicia, where in the last rising nearly two thousand landlords were murdered. The landlords of Galicia are Poles, and, being doubtless pressed by......

Mr. Chamberlain'on Tuesday In The House Of Commons Dealt...

the peace settlement in South Africa. The constructive policy of racial reconciliation and prosperity that be laid down was worthy of the keen mind which throughout the dark......

The Resumed Debate On Monday On The Management Of Schools

Clause—the famous Clause 7—of the Education Bill, following the fruitless debate on the 12 o'clock rule. was comparatively tame in character, though it decided some important......

The Debate On Clause 7 As Amended Was Resumed On

Wednesday afternoon, when an attack in force was made on Mr Balfour's proposal that all "non-provided" schools should have a body of not more than six managers, of whom not more......

A Roman Correspondent Of The Daily Chronicle, Who Seems...

informed, states that the failure of the American mission about the Philippines was due to a struggle within the Vatican. One party among the Cardinals urges that America with......

M. De Witte, The Russian Minister Of Finance, And Perhaps

the most powerful person in the Empire, has just stated, through his organ, the Financial Messenger, the plan by which he would meet any attempt by Trusts to sell goods in......