2 DECEMBER 1916, Page 2

, It is well known that one of the reasons,

why this has not been done is that guns cannot be in two places at once. If there aro not enough guns- to supply our merchant ships to-day it is because when last spring the Daily Mail and other _organs of the neurasthenic Press organized their great scare as to the Zeppelin

raids, and demanded that anti-aircraft guns should be scattered 'broadcast throughout the land, the. Government ;yielded. Instead of telling the British people?' that it was better to endure the risks and inconveniences of airship attacks, rather than employ in defensive work guns which were wanted for other purposes, the Daily Mail howled for protection from aircraft. That there are plenty of wrong things done at the Admiralty and plenty of other things left undone we do not doubt. That the new Board will putt them right is the- desire ef all sensible men. But that, desire man never be furthered by such tactics as those adopted in Thursday's Daily Mail.