2 DECEMBER 1916, page 10

A Library For Disabled Officers.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—A small Residential Club has been opened in Westbourne Terrace, W., for the accommodation of a limited number of naval and military......

The Parents' National Educational Union. (to The Edito3...

"SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Sir Arthur Evans stated the common problem when he said in his Presidential address at the British Association that the failure of modern education lies in......

Doeberitz Russian Prisoners' Bread Fund. [to The Editor...

" SPECTATOR."] Sus,—We have recently received the following postcard from an English prisoner of war at Doeberitz Camp, and feel it impossible to let such an appeal pass without......

" Tem Old Squire.

About fifty years ago, when old George the Third was King, And the Prince, the star of fashion, was the light of pleasure's ring, Lived a fine old country squire, a man of high......

The English Country Gentleman. [to The Editor Of The "

SPECTATOR.") Sra,—The article under this heading in your issue of November 18th reminds me of a song I heard sung by a farmOr at a harvest-home at Sutton in Salop about sixty......

America And Germany.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sus,—Of course we demand nothing from the great Republic across the Atlantic but the most scrupulous neutrality. But those of us who have......

Tion In Switzerland.—i Am, Sir, &c., Il S.

" DEAR FATHER AND Marnint,—I am pleased to inform you I have been one of the fortunate prisoners of war to be exchanged in Switzerland. I left the Schillerschule on the 24th of......