2 DECEMBER 1916, Page 2

In any ease, the Reise-Kaiser did not do more than

flit, a transient and embarrassed phantom, across the scene at Vienna. He left the dead to bury their dead in some fertile and pompous fashion peculiar to the Hapsburg line. To deal with such a situation, and to contrast the obsequies of the Austrian Kaiser with the trench burial of some poor private in his Army, would demand-the pen of a Carlyle. How much more appropriate would have been a grave in some military cemetery, say where those who die in hospital in Vienna-are buried, and a` simple firing party. No doubt Francis Joseph will be entombed, " lapped in lead," and his "casket" be added to that gruesome oollection of seventeenth- and eighteenth. century coffins which crowd the church in Vienna which-is specially dedicated to-the housing of the Imperial, corpses.