2 FEBRUARY 1945, Page 14


Sta,—May I briefly direct attention to the least recognised aspect of the activities of the Ministry of Food, the work of the Ministry's Food Advice Division? Through its forty-five provincial centres, staffed by qualified women, and through its admirable " Food Leader " schemes, the Division has in many areas effected a profound and wholesome change in the food habits of -the people. It appears to me to have been particularly successful in reaching those numerous housewives who do not ordinarily attend formal lectures. The benefit of this kind of health education, to which attention has recently been called in the medical Press, must be obvious to everyone. My Council is especially anxious that we should take thought how this useful educational work may be continued after the war ; we are convinced that it would lead to a sustained improvement in the nation's health, which the Ministry has so carefully guarded through the ordeal of the last five years.—Yours Chairman, London Council of Social Service. London Council of Social Service,

7 Bayley Street, Bedford Square, W.C. r.