2 FEBRUARY 1945, page 14

Food Advice

Sta,—May I briefly direct attention to the least recognised aspect of the activities of the Ministry of Food, the work of the Ministry's Food Advice Division? Through its......

A Correction

SIR, —May I submit a correction under paragraph "Information as re- quested " giving the spellings of the Greek explanation of E.A.M. and E.L.A.S. They should be as follows :......

Conditions In France

SIR, —I shall be glad if you will allow me to correct a mistake which occurred in my letter, published in The Spectator of January 26th, when the weekly rations in Paris......

Country Life

A GOOD deal of nervousness about the ultimate fate of commons appro- priated for war services has been vigorously and pessimistically expressed. Every countryman will agree with......

The Teacher's Reward

SIR,— Running through Mr. Hurlstone-Jones's article in last week's Spectator is the implied suggestion that the deciding factor in the parents' choice for their sons between a......

Moles And Worms

StR,—I am sure your readers would be grateful if Sir Stephen Tallents would tell us a little more about the moles. 1. It seems to be clear that the number of molehills in a......