2 JULY 1927, Page 33

General Knowledge Competition No prize is given for the solution

of General Knowledge questions, but only for their compilation.

The prize of one guinea which the Editor offers each week for the best paper submitted is awarded to " C. M. IV.- for the questions below :- Bible Questions from the Old Testament

1. Where is a greyhound mentioned in the Bible ?

2. Where are we told that a King looked in the liver for magical purposes. ?

3. Where are we told that the House of Judah and the House of Israel shall come together in Palestine ?

4. What practical help did David give to each man and woman when he brought back the Ark from Obed-Edom's house ?

5. In whose days was the Earth divided ?

6. Why were we advised to " answer a fool according to his folly " ? 7. Of what wood was Noah's Ark made ?

8. What does Bethlehem mean ?

9. What tree is only once mentioned in the Bible ? •

10. What prophecy of a fatal illness as a punishment for his wicked life was written to a future king, and by whom was it written

11. How many" Cities of Refuge " were there in Palestine, and what were they used for ? • 12. What king's mother was his counsellor ?

13. How did Elijah go up to Heaven ?

Answers to the above will be found on p. 35.