2 JULY 1927, page 29

A Lord Of Lilies

Tins book is an effort to explain Professor Patrick Geddes, who takes all knowledge for his province. How it may affect those who are strange to him I do not know. Those who are......

The Tragedy Of Freyne. By Anthony Gilbert. (collins And Co.,

Ltd. 7s. 6d.)—Sir Simon Chandos is found dead in his locked library, from morphine, and as he is doomed to a lin- gering death from cancer, and the fact is known, everything......


Some Detective Stories The Case of Sherlock Holmes. By Arthur Conan Doyle. Murray. 7s. 6d.)—It is thirty-eight years ago that Sir Arthur first brought Sherlock Holmes into the......

Mobility In War

The Remaking of Modern Armies. By Captain Liddell Hart. (Murray. 10s. 6EL) " THANK Heavens ! Now we shall be able to get back to real soldiering," is a saying attributed to an......