2 JUNE 1967, Page 4

Change of address


Mr Peter Ward, tenant of the Old Vicarage, Grantchester, has been requested by the Rural District Council of Chesterton and the Postal Workers' Union to relabel his house No. 61 Mill Way.

Old Vicarage to the postman's mind Jr rural, squat and hand to find.

The Postal Union, roused from slumber, Thinks every house should have a number.

No lissom, clerical, printless ghost Need have a vague unpunctual post.

For Cherry Hinton men are bored Delivering things to Mr Ward.

At Coton they throw cards at one And worse than cards at Chesterton.

At Royston, where they sort the mail, They say the project cannot fail.

If Chaucer hears his river still Chatter beneath its phantom mill, Instead of Vicarage, shall we say It's No. 61 Mill Way?

At Hasingfield they all agree By an immense majority.

Ah, God to see the Branches stir, Working to rule at Grantchester.

Stands the church clock at ten to eight?

And is the postman always late?