2 JUNE 1967, page 27

Down The Drain

Sir: May I be permitted to comment briefly on the article 'Down the drain,' by Peter J. Smith (19 May)? It seems generally assumed that British scientists emigrate temporarily......

Reporting The General

Sir: Mr Thompson's note (26 May) of British press coverage of President de Gaulle's press con- ference contains a number of inaccuracies. The Times and Guardian reports were not......

Who Gets The Deanery ?

Sir: The issue between Mr Smythe and Professor Trevor-Roper (Letters, 19 and 26 May) whether a layman can be made a cathedral dean is easily answered in terms of law, because......

The Nutting Affair

Sir: I make no reply to Mr Watkins's jibes about 'apoplexy' and 'ranting' except to say that they provide a curious commentary on Mr Watkins's standards of conducting......

Sir: Trevenen Peters Says We Must Not Brush Aside His

arguments as 'hysterical'—but 'hysterical' is, alas, what they are. This is because they rest on the well-worn device of obliterating-all-distinctions. Abortion is likened to......

Cheque Mate

Sir: Randolph Churchill (26 May) has got some of his facts wrong in the Svetlana case (the sum paid by the Observer, for instance)—and perhaps this isn't surprising in view of......