2 MAY 1925, Page 19



Tins I believe :

that if I do not will the Universe stands still.

I and those of whom I am the part built it and changed it in our heart, not out of :laud, nor stone, nor seas, but out of that in which all these begin, are all, and naught— the deep desiring thought.

This I believe : The ape, of which I wear the shape,

tumbled in me—his Hell—

a furry archangel, and, with the only skill he had, swung with one pitiful black pad into the jungle of my will desiring, till with a final stroke he tore his prison-vesture off, and spoke.

He threw aside, because he willed, the coat that clamped and killed, and shall he not assume, if he have striven, When all is done, investiture in heaven ?

This I believe I am the ape

that God made in His shape, and who, when he has changed all this, will at the last refashion God in his.