2 MAY 1925, Page 2

On Sunday last Field Marshal von Hindenburg was elected. President

of the German Republic. The figures were as follows :- Hindenburg .. • • • . .. 14,639,399 Marx .. • • .. 13,752,640 Thalmann .. • • • • .. 1,931,591 The joint votes of Herr Marx and Herr Thalmann thus exceed those of Hindenburg by 1,044,832. It caused general surprise that the Nationalist vote was nearly three millions stronger for Hindenburg than it was for the original Nationalist candidate, Herr Jarres. The Berlin correspondent of the Times says that the new voters for the Nationalist cause were chiefly women and Protestants. Herr Marx is a Catholic. Although Herr Thalmann increased his poll by 59,776, it is evident that Communism is no great danger to Germany. At one time Germany was regarded as the principal seed- bed for Soviet doctrines. We have written elsewhere about the effects of Hindenburg's election. Negotiations over all the outstanding questions between France, Germany and Great Britain will probably be more difficult, but we see no reason why there should be any insuperable obstacles unless France creates them.