2 OCTOBER 1915, Page 26


To THAI EDITOR or TIM "speceiros."1 Sins—It is a pleasure to see in Mr. Creery Stevenson's letter in your last issue a reference to the sadly neglected pamphlets of the late T. S. Ores on Trade Unions. Had they been studied and the force of Mr. Cree's arguments grasped by our legislators, our industrial position and the moral of our wage- earners would be far more satisfactory than they are. Those who, like the writer of this letter, are unbiassed by political considerations, and have watched the course of industrial legislation in recent years, have felt that the catastrophe foreseen by Mr. Cree as being neither impossible nor impro- bable was daily assuming a more definite and menacing shape. Let us hope that the sad experience we are now passing, through may open the eyes of politicians to the dangers they are courting by subservience to the demands of Trade Unionists to be treated as a privileged class.—I am, Sir, 19 Hyde Park Gate, B, W.