2 OCTOBER 1915, page 28

"books And My Food."

[To TRW EDITOR OF FRE "BPRCITA1OR."] SIE,—The people who "no longer care" for reading, according to the writer of the article "Books and My Food" (Spectator, September 18th),......

A Sequence Of 13's. Pro Fri Editor Ojt Tee "

SPECTATOR."3 Sin,—Your correspondent has failed to notice an additional 13 in his sequence. Not only did the digits of 8,203 total 13, but this number contains 631 times 13.......

Spiritual Forces And The War.

rro TRH EDITOR Or TRIO " SPECIATOR.") Sin,—Mr. Lloyd George has given a rousing call to the nation, and it is perhaps not too much to hope that within a short time we shall at......

The West Indian Contingent Comm/tter. [to Ma Mimi% Or Tee

"Slum-mm."1 Sra,—The Army Council having accepted the offer of the British West Indies, British Guiana, and British Honduras to supply a contingent for service with the Imperial......

A Correction.

rTo Tits EDITOR Of TEl "8rReTATO-R.'"} SIR,—May I point out what is, no doubt, a slip of the pen in the article on "Mr. Roosevelt and the American Pacilleists" (Spectator,......

Bandages For Horse Hospitals.

[To Tile EDITOR OF TUB "SPRCTATO5...1 Si,—As your cordial sympathy towards animals is so well known, I venture to ask if I may announce in your columns that I have started a......

The "nailing" Of The Idol. Fro Me Editor Of Tue

"EFECTATOR."1 Sin,—Your correspondent "F." writes in the Spectator of September 11th of the curious custom at present in vogue in Berlin of the faithful being "invited to drive......

.notice.when "correspondence" Or Articles Ere Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must clot necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......