2 OCTOBER 1993, Page 23

Good talking to

Sir: The only thing I share with whoever wrote your leader on the Headmasters Conference (18 September) is enjoyment in using the English language. I wish I were in as irresponsible a position, and able to thereby open my thesaurus and let rip with- out any consideration of truth or accuracy. In this letter, I would only wish to correct one statement, that 'HMC has had little impact on Government thinking'. It is wide- ly recognised that it has had a substantial influence, especially during the last year. It will continue to do so because its contribu- tions will be based on an understanding of parental and pupils' expectations of schools, both academically and as prepara- tion for adult life.

If this is the normal standard of your arti- cles, I am surprised that you mounted a campaign at our Conference (I prefer the word to 'pow-wow) to persuade our pupils to subscribe to The Spectator. If any reader is sufficiently interested to read what I actually said, we would be pleased to send a copy of my speech.

Robin J. Wilson

Chairman, Headmasters' Conference, Trinity School, Croydon