2 SEPTEMBER 1899, Page 14

[TO TITS EDITOR OP TR& "SPECTATOR."] Sill,—We claim the sovereignty,

not the suzerainty. Cotgrare thus defines the latter dignity :—" Suzerainete : I. Sonveraigne (but subalterne) jurisdiction, superior (but not supreause) power, high or chiefe authoritie, subiect or inferior, to the maiestie of Kings. And 'Suzerains' thus: High and mightie Lords hailing under them many vassalls, were tearmed so in old time ; and at this day [1611] the King's principall Judges bane sometimes this title bestowed on them" (Ed. 163,2).—I am, Sir, &c.., W. G. BoswELI..-SToNE. 47 Wickham Road, Beckenham