2 SEPTEMBER 1899, page 2

The Session Of The Prussian Parliament Was Closed On Tuesday

with a Royal Message, in which the most important passage was the following e--" On the other hand, the Govern- ment of the King regrets most deeply that that great canal......

M. Derourede Has Taken Advantage Of A Delay In Sending

him for trial to write an insolent letter to the President. In this he accuses IL Iroubet of having arranged his condemns. tion beforehand, and asserts that he himself is the......

There Has Been A Good Deal Of Talk During The

week as to the near approach of the evacuation of Cuba by the Americans, and the "immediate" establishment of independence. This rumour was based on the statement that a census......

The By-election Held In The Eighth Congressional District...

on Tuesday has attracted a great deal of attention, for it has resulted in a serious reverse for the Republican party. The battle was over the policy of expansion ; for the......

The Annual Conference Of The Catholic Trath Society Was...

at Stockport an Monday with a long and eloquent speech from Cardinal Vaughan, on which we have commented elsewhere. Its essential drift is that the Catholic Church is the Church......

Lord Halifax's Address To The Lay Members Of The English

Church Union is more recalcitrant in phrase than in subs stance. It, no doubt, in explicit words advises the laymen "to stand by their priests" whatever those priests may decide......

We May Notice In Detail One Point In Lord Halifax's

address. "We recognise," he says, "no infallibility as residing in any Archbishop or Arehlriehope." Of coarse be and his followers do not, nor does anybociy else that we ever......

The Times Of Tuesday Made A Remarkable Suggestion As To

the housing of the London poor. It seems that the London County Council ha e no power to erect buildings outside its jurisdiction, and is confined to localities where sites are......