2 SEPTEMBER 1922, Page 2

In his letter the Duke quoted communications from a Mr.

Harry Shaw, of 36, Wilton Place, Knightsbridge. In these communications Mr. Shaw informed two different public men in mysterious language that if they would give him an appoint. ment he could place before them " a social matter of a very confidential nature " which might be " of interest " to them. He added that if the recipient of the letter would care to find out who he, Mr. Shaw, was, reference might be made to —, of —. The name mentioned for reference was that of a well- known baronet. One of the recipients after exchanging letters with Mr. Shaw had an interview with the baronet, at which he learned that the " social matter " use the offer of an honour for which he would have to pay some £40,000. He would have nothing to do with the proposal and there the matter ended.