2 SEPTEMBER 1922, page 18

The Geffrye Museum.

An exquisite 18th century almshouse, hardly known to Londoners, stands near the Shoreditch end of the Kingsland Road (bus No. 6). It is now a museum of furniture and interior......

The Cinema.

" Tlii i FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE " AT THE PALACE THEATRE. IN some ways I am ill-equipped to criticize The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but as " the likes of me "......

The New Queen's Hall Orchestra *under Sir Henry Wood.

September 4th.—QUEEN'S HALL • . 8.0 [Wagner the Prophet in familiar extracts from Lohengrin and Wagner the Master in the Siegfried Idyll.] September 5th.—QuEwN's HALL 8.0 [The......


MEMORIAM OF ST. JAMES'S STREET.* As the second title of this book shows, it is as much concerned with Almack's, most famous of Assembly Rooms and social clubs, as with what......

Some Plays Worth Seeing.

FLAYMARRET.—The Dover Road .. • • 8.30-2.30 [The repeated inclusion of this play in our list argues a certain languor in the August theatres.] CRITERION. —The Dippers .. ........