2 SEPTEMBER 1960, Page 11

Sir Stephen King-Hall, Geoffrey Taylor

Art and Eros Reasons of State: Kenya South Africa


Bank Pensioners lialegh or Essex? Brave New Underworld Rider Haggard Food Labels

ramisashing H. Montgomery Hyde D. Bourke-Borrowes Erskine B. Childers David Holbrook Paul Crane field Charles Wrong Roy Thomas H. C. Deere E. P. Kuhl Cyril Ray THE LIMITATIONS OF NATO SM.-You and Colonel Lort-Phillips are much to be congratulated in exposing the futility of NATO. But lust because NATO is militarily useless in con- ventional terms it is extremely dangerous. If challenged conventionally it will either have to collapse

or save its face by using tactical nuclear

;veaPons. If it uses these the situation will inevitably an probably rapidly degenerate into large-scale

nuclear war. It has been repeatedly stated that tactical

nuclear weapons will be used. We need a c..°111Pletely new approach to the whole question of defence; ence; an approach which would take into account and „.,w°rId-wide scope of the cold war and its political ,,," economic implications. Such a reappraisal ii-t,.°111d, I am convinced, show that to base defence -",.ate8Y on the use of nuclear energy for military Purposes 1(i/1 STEPHEN KING-HALL

8-Hall News-Letter

162 Buckingham Palace Road, SW I