2 SEPTEMBER 1960, page 3

The Spectator

No. 6897 Established 1828 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1960......

Tightening The Gag In Ghana

M NKRUMAH'S decision to impose press censorship is even less justified than Mrs. Bandaranaike's. Mrs. B is a political innocent: her advisers can htt've had little difficulty in......

M And K

D RESUMABLY with the idea of preserving r Western unity and strengthening Western resolution, there has long been a tendency to accept unquestioningly the argument that though......

— Portrait Oi The Week— The Prime Minister Of Jordan, Mr.

Hazza Magali, with a number of Jordan Foreign Office officials, was killed by time bombs in Amman. King Hussein said that he believed the bombs had been meant for him, that the......