30 APRIL 1988, Page 31


Sir: I say welcome to the Spectator invita- tion to include readers at the 160th birth- day `nosh' to meet the literati, at the same time recalling, with feeling, the 150th spectacular at the Lyceum.

Amid enormous press coverage, the guess-list contained so many free-loaders who were less than likely even to contem- plate the Spectator, let alone buy it, that I felt compelled to write to the editor and also the owner that they should have Included some of the 'poor bloody infan- try, the readers!' arid that I, as a loyal reader, was damned annoyed: Mr Chancel- lor featured my grouse in his following `Notebook' and Henry Keswick replied likewise that the Lyceum wasn't big enough.

Good luck therefore to the present staff, luminaries et al at Doughty Streer, and all who sail therein, for entertaining the p.b.i. at last.

Sheila Burns

Portonovo, West Ridings, East Preston, Littlehampton, West Sussex