30 APRIL 1988, Page 28

Affront to Israel

Sir: Mr Charles Glass's article 'When Clubs are Trumps' (19 March), and that of Mr A. N. Wilson, 'Eyeless in Gaza' (9 April), are biased distortions of the truth. The truth is that Israel has, in 40 years, achieved more than most older countries have this century. Israel was (until recent- ly) one of the finest examples of a demo- cracy in the world, and yet the United Nations, the media and the public in general choose to condemn it.

'When Clubs are Trumps' states that Israel started the Six Day War in response to 'some' Arab provocation. At the time of the Six Day War, Israel's ports were effectively blockaded, it was completely encircled by hostile Arab nations — two of which had just combined to form the United Arab Republic — and it was suffering from constant terrorist attacks. This was not merely 'provocative', this was positively threatening. Mr Glass is also in error when he states that the PLO have recognised Israel as a Jewish state, and that the Palestinians have appointed nego- tiators.

'Eyeless in Gaza' claims that 'there is no logical or moral reason why they [the Israelis] should continue to occupy Gaza' — this when the Arab nations are conven- tionally stronger than at any time since 1967. Mr Wilson's opinion that 'the blind- ness of the Israelis is something that their friends abroad must do everything that can to cure' is pure arrogance. Also, I see


nothing faintly amusing about orthodox Jewish beliefs.

Finally, as the British are incensed when Governor Dukakis and Senator Kennedy criticise policy in Ulster, how must the Israelis feel when Neil Kinriock and David Mellor say that the refugee camps are `one vast slum' and 'all affront to civilised values'? It seems faintly hypocritical that when the British occupied Palestine, 15,032 Palestinians were killed and a furth- er 14,000 injured in a similar uprising, and yet they are still superior to the Israelis. Paul Bogdanor

1 Blenheim Drive, Oxford