30 APRIL 1988, Page 50


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 16 May. Entries to: Crossword 856, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

2 I


1 13






23 _

22 25



29 i 31







The imaginary title might include IA and 43A (both phrases) and the other unclued lights (plausibly five pairs). Each clue contains a definition and a hidden jumble of the light. IOD is English, not French.

Name Address ACROSS 9 Dated content in essay a psycho- logist set (4) 16 Newtonian enlightened stuff (5) 20 Route taken by a brainier lad (7, two words) 21 Fruit, Descartes — so is Rous- seau (7) 24 Kant's decried, slighted (7) 25 Sort out mental averace (5) 26 Thinker, sort to attain heights

28 511)ade off, Kierkegaard, today

31 Vests Adler's opinions (7) 34 Metaphysical theories are brutes 3 ) 7 Cries out for philosophical wis- dom (5)

38 Sophistical platitudes crease one (5)

39 One hears of Ayer's work to renounce past (6) 41 Tract is answered by a church- man (9) 42 Understood syllogism? Indeed! (4) DOWN

1 They're often in the soup with Russell's advanced thought (6)

2 Gathers what June said (5) 3 Organs in the main printing re- cent speculations (6) 4 Hegel always got it right (5) 5 Schopenhauer catered for all, bent over (7) 6 One who tenders register of free-thinkers (7) 7 Casuistic in reply, keeping the peace? (6) 8 Maternal, all my theories (8) 13 It makes Laing accessible, easy to encompass (7) 15 Laminated leaves in Aristotle fading (8) 22 Set up old Freud's trade (7) 23 Complete set of type with same belief: cult is Kantian (8) 27 Thinker saw easy solution to tangle (7, hyphened) 29 Brightest rise to Spinoza (7) 30 Pythagoras ratified mitres (6) 32 Girl has sharp head, nous (6) 33 Boffin's so early to mature (6)

The solution to Crossword 853 is on page 52. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the Post-a-Book' service.