30 AUGUST 1884, Page 2

In Dunfermline on Saturday a great demonstration, com- posed of

about 30,000 persons, was made in favour of the- Franchise Bill, and against the course taken by the House of Peers. Another, on the same day, about 6,000 strong, was made on the border of the Wanstead Flats, Forest Gate. And a third great open-air demonstration, on the same day, was held at Crewe, and addressed by Mr. O'Connor Power and Mr, Bradlaugh. But to give better data for computing the com- parative strength of the Conservative and Liberal agitations,. the Pall Mall Gazelle of Monday published as complete a list as it could then give of demonstrations on both sides,—and it has since been declared decidedly defective by the Liberals as a list of their meetings. The result was, as declared by the Pall Mall,. that 78 meetings and picnics had been held by the Con- servatives in support of the House of Lords, as against 239 Liberal meetings in condemnation of the House of Lords. This is about in the proportion of three Liberal meetings to one Conservative meeting ; but, in spite of the very considerable mass of some of the Conservative" picnics," the total numbers present at the Liberal meetings must have been much more than three to one of the total numbers present at the Conservative meetings.