30 AUGUST 1884, page 2

On The Question Of Redistribution, Sir Stafford Northcote...

so rash as Lord Salisbury ; but the whole drift of his speech was that no Bill would do which did not propose to apportion the number of Members more or less to the number of......

In Dunfermline On Saturday A Great Demonstration, Com-...

about 30,000 persons, was made in favour of the- Franchise Bill, and against the course taken by the House of Peers. Another, on the same day, about 6,000 strong, was made on......

Lord Ampthill, The British Ambassador To Germany, Died Of...

after but a week's illness, at his summer villa at Potsdam, on Monday morning last, at the age of fifty-five. He was the son , of Major-General Lord George William Russell, and......

Mr. Sclater-b Ooth Addressed A Conservative Meeting Near...

on Saturday, and made in his address some odd remarks. One consisted in a comparison between Lord Beaconsfield's Government, which lasted six years, while " every one was sur-......

The Conservatives Assembled A Great Crowd, Which Is...

the Times as numbering 120,000 persons, and by the Pall Mail as numbering 80,000, in the grounds of Nostell Priory last Saturday, the residence of Mr. Rowland Winn, M.P., the......

This Democrat Among The Tories, And Tory Among The Demo-

crats was, however, unable to be present at Nostell Priory, and Sir Stafford North cote wept over his absence. There was always some bitter drop, he said, in the sweetest cup,......

No Doubt The Conservatives Have Been As Much Surprised As

overjoyed to find out what numbers they can muster, but neither the surprise nor the joy is very reasonable. So long as there is a great party on one side, there will always, in......