30 AUGUST 1957, Page 14

SIR,—Although I vow periodically not to endanger my blood pressure

by again reading Taper : although his dialectic is frequently strangled by meretricious tricks of rhetoric: although time and again he appears to be a reincarnation of Don Adriano dc Armado in 'whom the music of his own vain tongue Doth ravish like enchanting harmony': although it his exuberance he can wildly overshoot his target and miss the bull's-eye which his instinct has sighted more clearly than any pamphleteer since Shaw : although I lose patience with rudeness for rudeness' sake because it murks the issue and stands in the way of persuasion—despite all these buts I still read him with value and enjoyment when he writes (as he has done in your recent issues) with fireworks in his belly about the scene in Westminster.

. May his pulpit expand until every voter in the country feels the same aggravating compulsion that I have to buy the Spectator to see what new gun- powder plots the guy has hatched.in the vaults of parliamentary democracy.—Yours faithfully,