30 AUGUST 1957, page 25

No Problem 'when It Rains There They Opens Back An'

front doors an' just brushes the rain right on through, them bein' on a steep 'ill, like!'......

The Lizard On A Large Rock Not Far From The

water I had regularly seen one or two lizards basking, although• I had never managed to get within three or four yards of them before they were off. Lizards have incredible......

Free Ride. By James Fox. (cassell, 12s. 6d.) On A

two-day, argot-loaded, train ride across the States, extraditing a tapioca-brain lush who used to peddle chippies and pantie-peelers, and fend- ing off a Sicilian gang,......

Country Life

By IAN NIALL 'GETTING jagged,' as the woman in the little green- grocer's shop put it, is one of the natural hazards of blackberrying. 'I wouldn't do it for one-and•six a......

New Novels

A Walk on the Wild Side. By Nelson Algren. (Spearman, 15s.) The District Officer. By Michael Kittermaster. (Constable, 15s.) AMERICAN novels are often long, incoherent, coarse,......

A Man's Time

S. stopped to lean on the wall and tell me that he is now well past his eightieth birthday and has 'beat ole Jack by two month, just like ah said ah would, tha knows.' Jack, I......

It's A Crime

She Wouldn't Say Who. By Delano Ames. (Hodder and Stoughton, 12s. 6d.) Latest of the heavily lighthearted frolics of the irresponsible Dagobert-and-Jane, husband-arid-wife......

The Pretty Ones. By Dorothy Eden. (mac- Donald, 10s. 6d.)

Three brothers live in a quietly rotting farmhouse, to which one brings a bride, who discovers that this is a bourne whence pretty servants and governesses—and a wife?—have dis-......

Death Won't Wash. By Norman Longmate. (cassell, Its. 6d.)...

makes promising, conventional start with usual kind of detective story, about usual kind of pleasant public-school bobby asking usual sort of questions in such usual Places as......


By PHILIDOR No. 117. A. ELLERMAN (2nd Prize, Good Companions, 1915) BI.ACK (I I men) WHITE (10 men) wiirrE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last......

The Prisoner. By Boileau And Narcejac. (hutchinson,...

knit, mystifying piece, admirably translated, by the twin masters of the psychological suspense story. Escaped prisoner-of-war switches personality to deceive woman who shelters......