30 DECEMBER 1949, Page 23


IA Book Token for one gumca will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to b. opened after noon on Tuesday week. joinery 10th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and nods hear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below. and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will hi published in the following issue.) EX

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1. Its purpose is to conceal some difference of public opinion (6, 3.) 5. Pencil full of rough metal becomes mountainous. (5.)

Graduate with French wine becomes a faggot. (5.)

9. Condition produced by Saul diet. (9.)

11. It doesn't really make the news bigger. (5, 4.) 12. Nasty looks. (5.) 11. It is to me a book (4.) Id. It changes into a land. (9.) 19. Man at work m France. (9.)

21. Fluid double life. (4.)

:3. "His sceptre shows the force of temporal -" (Shakespeare). (5.)

25. Not much of r spread some think.


:7. He expects to get what's left. (6, 3.) .9. A devilish stage in the game. (5.) :9. Drain into jugs. (S.)

10 They lack staying 23. (9.)


1. The interpreters' big chance. (5.) 2. Perhaps this civic character takes too little exercise. (9.) 3. With one of these quadrupeds • wizard was associated briefly. (6.) 4. Nautically eggs must. (7.) s. Expectation of 27. (8.r

n. Stir up (5.) 7. "- on the falling out the. all the

more endears " (Tennyson) (9.) 1". True standard that may pass into public ownership. (5.) 9. 13. A going concern of which many have a pocket edition (9.)

15. " It is a nipping and an eager (Shakespeare). (3.)

16. Establish. (9.) 17. A meal with flowers. (8.) 19. Key-women ? (5.)

20. Sailors disn't wear them. (7.) 22. The domestic bird that did not take

the lift (6.) 24. We'd get most of it for splitting. (5.)

26. "Lest we lose our - Eve and I I " (Browninv) (54